• Şömizli Kalın Kapak
  • 276 Sayfa
  • 215 mm x 285 mm
  • Materials+: Creative Products focuses on original design ideas. It features wall clocks made from old vinyl records, comic books used as plant pots, vases made from sticks of dynamite, waste baskets constructed from sheets of recycled newspaper, lampshades made from eggshells, ornaments made from matchsticks; the materials used to make many of the products are not typically associated with the product, resulting in exceptionally creative designs. This innovative book offers access to many unique designs and is an excellent source of inspiration.


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Bu ürünün fiyat bilgisi, resim, ürün açıklamalarında ve diğer konularda yetersiz gördüğünüz noktaları öneri formunu kullanarak tarafımıza iletebilirsiniz.
Görüş ve önerileriniz için teşekkür ederiz.
MATERIAL+: CREATIVE PRODUCTS Mimarlık, Dekorasyon, Mobilya, Bahçe & Peyzaj Mimarlığı, Grafik Reklamcılık, Fotoğraf, Perde & Vitrin, ral renkleri, ral kataloğu, ral katalog, coffe table book, tasarım, yeni tasarımlar,chanel, tom ford, pantone, 9789881668752

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