• Şömizli Kalın Kapak
  • 792 Sayfa
  • 245 mm x 325 mm
  • New Landscape 1 – Urban and Ecological
  • All the cases in this book are outstanding representative works selected from all around the world, which introduces the features and functions of urban ecosystem landscape comprehensively from Waterfront Design, Riverfront Design, Streetscape Design, Infrastructure Design, City Square to Urban planning. The incarnated humanistic care, life awareness, context heritage and regional characteristics behind in urban ecosystem landscape are the perfect interpretation of natural and harmonious urban space. Each well-chosen project is accompanied with exquisite drawings, pictures and informative texts, so as to present the full content with main emphasis.
  • New Landscapes 2: Commercial and Public Landscape
  • We’ve carefully selected the latest commercial and public landscape projects all over the world to analyze the planning and design for landscapes of this category. These projects are classified as cultural squares, urban spaces, office spaces, commercial spaces, healthcare and education spaces, etc. Covering almost all kinds of commercial and public spaces. Each project is explained with keywords, features, design descriptions as well as professional drawings (plans, details, renderings, high-resolution photographs, etc.).
  • As a professional illustrated resource book on new landscapes, it includes the projects with excellent ideas and high technologies, representing the pioneering design for commercial and public landscapes. With rich content, exquisite composition and novel edition, we believe this new collection will bring you with the international ideas and global views
  • New Landscape 3-Leisure and Tourism
  • As the latest professional reading of New Landscape, the selected projects are perfect integration of inspiration and technology, standing for the advancing design ideas of leisure and tourism landscape currently. The book has selected the classical projects of leisure and tourism landscape around the world, comprehensively introducing the fascination covering tourist resorts, urban parks, ecology parks, culture parks, community parks and CBD parks etc. Regarding content arrangement, it starts the analysis from the key points, features and design points as well as a great quantity of professional drawings i.e. plane drawings, detail drawings, diagrams and photos, rich and informative.
Bu ürüne ilk yorumu siz yapın!
Bu ürünün fiyat bilgisi, resim, ürün açıklamalarında ve diğer konularda yetersiz gördüğünüz noktaları öneri formunu kullanarak tarafımıza iletebilirsiniz.
Görüş ve önerileriniz için teşekkür ederiz.
NEW LANDSCAPE 1-2-3 SET Mimarlık, Dekorasyon, Mobilya, Bahçe & Peyzaj Mimarlığı, Grafik Reklamcılık, Fotoğraf, Perde & Vitrin, ral renkleri, ral kataloğu, ral katalog, coffe table book, tasarım, yeni tasarımlar,chanel, tom ford, pantone, 9787562339502

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