* Karton Kapak
* 384 Sayfa
* 280 mm x 280 mm

Bamboo is also known as "vegetable steel" due to its strength and extreme lightness. Craftsmen, architects, engineers, designers and distributors from around the world have collaborated in this selection of fifty constructions and over sixty product designs. All are made from this natural material that enables a new form of sustainable construction and boasts many advantages: as light and durable as carbon fibre, made of resistant fibres, and during its growth bamboo absorbs massive amounts of CO? while releasing 35% more oxygen than other similarly-sized trees.

Bu ürüne ilk yorumu siz yapın!
Bu ürünün fiyat bilgisi, resim, ürün açıklamalarında ve diğer konularda yetersiz gördüğünüz noktaları öneri formunu kullanarak tarafımıza iletebilirsiniz.
Görüş ve önerileriniz için teşekkür ederiz.
BAMBOO/FKG Mimarlık, Dekorasyon, Mobilya, Bahçe & Peyzaj Mimarlığı, Grafik Reklamcılık, Fotoğraf, Perde & Vitrin, ral renkleri, ral kataloğu, ral katalog, coffe table book, tasarım, yeni tasarımlar,chanel, tom ford, pantone, 9788499362113

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